Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Decision

Just as with any important decision that you make in your life, its extremely important to be confident and knowledgeable in your decision to go vegan.  One of the greatest challenges I have faced thus far is not knowing all of my facts when they are inquired... While this may not hurt ME in my path to living vegan (because I'm already set in my ways), it definitely can hinder those who you are spreading the word to, because it makes vegans as a whole sound uneducated and ignorant of their decisions.  That said, I have been reading a lot of information pertaining to all of the reason why people become vegan.  Information that might reach one person might be completely de-valued and unimportant to another and therefore it is important to have a rounded knowledge on the benefits of going vegan.  My goal in life isn't necessarily to "convert" people to become vegan.. but i believe that this knowledge is to be shared with those who wish to receive it and they can do with it what they will! Some of the reasons why people go vegan are: 
  1. For the Animals
  2. For their Health
  3. For the Environment
  4. For the Global Poor
Regardless of the reason why you went Vegan, its important to be educated on reasons why others might be inclined to become vegan.  Unfortunately, some people really might not care about animal rights and well-being (and they are entitled to that mindset if they so wish), but they might be drawn to the personal health benefits of being vegan, or the benefits it has on the environment, or the benefits it has towards fighting world hunger..... regardless of the reason why someone might open up to being vegan, its important to have knowledge to share with those who inquire.  You would be amazed at the impact that you can have on someone's life.  I can honestly say that without my boyfriends sister in-law I would probably be eating grilled chicken right now.   Do not de-value the power of your own voice.  There is power in your voice and their is power in education.  Though people may not always agree with you... (can you blame them, the answers to health and wellness are so much more within their reach than they would have ever known, it seems too good to be true)  education helps those who might not agree with you to atleast support your personal decision.   

I read a GREAT book recently called "Veganist" by Kathy Freston.  Kathy talked all about the "lean" into being vegan rather than diving head first into it... Each chapter covers different information on the benefits of going vegan and fact and studies to back it up.  Her book is so inspiring because it talks about every step towards a plant based diet being a valuable move towards health and wellness.  She asserts that while some people may be 100% vegan and that's great, some people may choose to employ "meatless monday" and that's great too!  Its not about perfection, its about the "lean".  I would love to see the people I love and care about make the same choices for their health as I have for mine, but I cannot force anyone to make that decision.  I encourage all vegans to make an active choice not to pressure, judge, or attack those who do not feel the same way as you do about animal rights (or whatever reason you have for being vegan).  Attacking those who don't feel the same will only push them away further.  Instead, lead by example and be willing to educate whenever necessary.  Educate yourself and you will educate the world.  Any effort towards eating a plant based diet is an effort to be praised.  Be thankful for "the lean".

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