Monday, May 14, 2012

Whats Cooking?..... Spring Time Barley, Spinach, Sweet Potato, and Edamame Salad!

1 Cup uncooked Barley
1 Sweet Potato (cubed)
1 Cup Edamame (deshelled)
1-2 Cups Spinach
3 whole carrots 
1/2 Cup Raisins
1/2 Onion 
Balsamic Vinaigrette ( or salad dressing of your choice)

1. Cube the sweet potato (I left the skin on) and cook it in a pan with a little bit of olive oil on medium to low  heat until cooked through 
2.  Cook Barely according to package directions until tender
3. Cook Edamame according to package directions 
4. Cut carrots
5. Cut Onion
6.  When everything is done cooking, combine the amounts of each ingredients you would like on your plate, top with raisins, and put balsamic vinaigrette over the top (to taste).  And enjoy.  The Barley, Edamame, and Sweet potato should still be warm.  ENJOY! 

I loved this simple spring recipe!  I hope you will too!  

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