Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thai on the go

This Just In: Trader Joe's "Vegetable Green Curry"

Just ate this vegan deliciousness and I am pretty impressed.  While the veggies aren't crunchy like they are in a homemade curry, this canned ready-to-go green curry definitely curved my thai curry craving!  I thought it was delicious and an absolutely awesome quick lunch!  I got curious about the ingredients and was really impressed that I was able to identify all of the ingredients in this soup!  (I didn't even have to check them out at the store because Trader Joe's already gave it the beautiful stamp of Vegan ("V") approval during production.  Here is the lovely ingredient list: 

Baby corn
bamboo shoots 
green curry paste
palm oil

Boom! Thats it! That's my kind of soup!  Head over to your local Trader Joe's and grab some of this stuff! you wont regret it!

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