Looking back a few months, I remember the kick in the butt I got when I learned about the conditions of the animals we raised for our consumption in slaughter houses, milk production companies, animal skin productions, and all methods that affect the well being of animals. I was absolutely and utterly shocked and disgusted at how we treat our fellow beings. I was also shocked by the inconsistencies in what we "claim" is the reason why we NEED animal protein and animal milk. What is going on in slaughter houses in NOT ok and it's certainly NOT normal. I dont believe that many animals would die if we were forced to slaughter our own meat. Unfortunately, our society has allowed up to be totally separated from the origin of the food we eat and the items we own. This has set up the perfect condition under which to utilize more "effective" and efficient methods of slaughter to make more profit, most of which harm both us (humans) and the animals alike. The animals are artificially inseminated, injected with antibiotics and growth hormones, diseased from the small living spaces they are forced to inhabit, fed food that is not familiar to their digestive system such as animal protein and corn, and much more. If the lack of anesthetics and medical care for our cattle during the process of slaughter isnt enough to make you vegan, consider the health benefits. 1 in 3 meat eaters in our society dies of heart disease such as heart attack or stroke due to clogged arteries because of the high level of trans fatty acids found in animal protein. A vegan will not have to worry about trans fatty acids because trans fatty acids are not found in plant based foods, only animal protein. And why is it that there are more incidents of osteoporosis in developed nations that consume the most milk, cheese, and other dairy products? Doesn't our government tell us that we need milk to have strong bones? We do NEED calcium, but we DONT need milk. On the contrary, the calcium in milk is actually more harmful to us than anything because consuming animal protein, which is present in milk (8g per glass) makes the blood more acidic. The good news is that the body can return the blood pH to its original state, the bad news is that our bones must sacrifice the phosphate in our bones to do so. Hence, making them frail, brittle, and easy to crack (osteoporosis). The 5 countries with the highest levels of dairy consumption also have the highest level of incidence of osteoporosis. Does anyone else find this odd? Got milk?
When we consume animal protein we are consuming everything that is injected into that animal including antibiotics and growth hormones. Don't for a second believe that the animal you are consuming doesn't contain any growth hormones or antibiotics. In a field that is so highly driven by profit, the meat industry cannot afford to have slow growing chickens (beef, pork,etc) or even average growing animals... no, no, no it must inject them with growth hormones that will make the animal grow considerably larger and faster than it would have originally done, and in less time. Every time we consume meat, we are, in turn, consuming those hormones as well. And how about the antibiotics. Imagine that there was a natural disaster and we were all forced to live inside of our local elementary school without the option to leave. Lets pretend that the city population is 8,000. When the disaster struck, all 8,000 people needed to cram into the local school and live there until all was clear. If one person of those 8,000 was sick, just imagine how quickly that illness would spread. People are shoulder to shoulder. In order to stop the spread of the disease, all people needed to be vaccinated for that disease. The same would go for every possible of spreading from there on out. Animal living conditions are absolutely horrendous as they are crammed into tiny living spaces with no room to spread out. Infection and disease spread like wildfire. Animals are vaccinated for all sorts of diseases, not for their own well being, but for the well being of the profitability of the company. The vaccinations are necessary because of the living conditions of the animals, not because animals are inherently sick. Chickens are debeaked so that they cannot peck at eat other in the small living spaces. The growth hormones injected into their bodies make them gain weight at a rate faster than their bones can hold and their legs will collapse beneath their own weight.
None of this is natural. Its not humane. And its not acceptable.
In the midst of my frustration, I looked up a video by Gary Yourkfsky. This is such a compelling video from a passionate vegan. He emphasizes the importance of both compassion and action. If you only listen to one vegan speaker in your life, listen to him. It will move you and change your perspective.
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