I've had a lot of time to think about this issue over the last couple weeks and have come to one realization: Compassion is nothing to be ashamed of. I am fully convinced that being vegan is the right choice for myself, the planet, my fellow humans, and for animals. Often times, the right choice is not the easiest. Being an anti-conformist isn't necessarily a bad thing either. If you look in history at some of our greatest heroes, they were all anti-conformist who valued what was right over what was easy. Take, for instance, Jesus, or Martin Luther King Jr., or Rosa Parks, or Mother Theresa... each of these individuals believed passionately in their own intentions and did not conform to what society urged they conform to. Those individuals were frowned up, hated, and imprisoned for their commitment to follow their moral codes.
Is conforming to societies standards staying true to my morals about animal cruelty? no. Is conforming to society educating others on the harmful effects of factory farming and animal protein on our health? no. Is conforming to society benefiting the helpless victims of slaughterhouse cruelty? no. Is conforming to society helping solve global hunger and climate change? no. While conforming to society may alleviate a moment of discomfort, its effects can be disastrous and harmful in a variety of different ways. The truth about the benefits of being vegan are being shut out of society because of the blinders that have been placed on our eyes since the day we were born. The government's insistence that milk and animal protein is necessary for human development and health is a long standing myth that will take many many years to tear down. Conforming to society means dropping my health, my ethics, and my morals only to continue hurting our planet and its earthlings... is that something I'm willing to accept? no.
Holding the key to wellness, health, compassion, and environmentalism in my hands can be a bit overwhelming at times... especially as I stand alone in hope that others will see the benefits being vegan has brought upon my life. I feel that this knowledge is an absolute gift that I wish to share with the world. As vegans, it is our duty to share the knowledge we have been given about the benefits of being vegan. If we selfishly keep this knowledge to ourselves, we are making our efforts in vain and allowing a corrupt system to continue destroying our planet and its beings. I am by no means suggesting that vegans go about preaching and judging people, but that we open ourselves up to fruitful conversations with people about our lifestyle choices and that we take a position of compassion and education rather than judgement and criticism. Being vegan isn't about being perfect or making perfect choices, its about conscious living and living compassionately and avoiding harm to the earth or its beings.
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