Thursday, August 30, 2012

Animal Cruelty........

I'm absolutely disgusted.

      Sick to my stomach. 

                I've seen a lot of cruel and unusual things in my life, but THIS was cruel, pointless,               AND gross.

I'm actually mad.  Furious.  Pissed. 



NECESSARY.   ??????? <---- THATS the question.  (I already know the answer)

So, I went to the MN State Fair Today and was looking forward to my vegan endeavors in the midst of the carnivore nation.  I was content doing my own searching and seeking out the secretly vegan items at the various food joints.  I ate  deep fried pickles, cotton candy, fresh fries, vegetarian spring rolls, falafa.... it was fabulous! I feel like violet from charlie in the chocolate factory now, but it was totally worth it!  Especially for those deep fried pickles with hot sauce! 

After getting my food kick, I decided to take a gander over to the art building to take a look at the amazing art that people entered into the fair.  I saw awesome paintings, portraits, and unique abstract art.... and then I saw it.  I saw the thing that took my breath away.  Literally, I couldn't breathe because I was utterly disgusted.  Yep, you heard it right.... I was disgusted by art.  Here is what I saw.  

Tons of rodents. 

Dead rodents.

They were hunted (obviously not for food), skinned, and plastered onto a canvas. 

Taxidermy after hunting is one thing.. and something that I can at least wrap my mind around if done after using the animal for food.. but THIS WAS WRONG.  It was ugly and wasteful.  What do you think of it? 

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