Tuesday, July 10, 2012

101 Reasons to Go Vegan

Well done video!  Love it! If you are vegan, considering being vegan, vegetarian, considering being vegetarian, or a meat eater.... its great video all around!  
"we all desire to live and we all avoid pain, that's what makes us equal"
"we know pigs and dogs are equal yet every time we sit down at the dinner table we convince ourselves otherwise"
Chicken Run, Babe: movies that teach us to love animals and are about rescuing/saving the animals from being killed
If we have a problem watching videos about animal cruelty, why don't we have a problem eating it... where is the disconnect?
Citizens want to believe that animals will be treated humanely if there are laws to prevent the abuse, the fact is... there isn't
"All milk is stress milk"
"75% of the human population is lactose intolerant"
The #1 food allergy is milk
The United States, Sweden, Norway, and Finland consume the most dairy products and all have the highest level osteoporosis.

milk has to be addictive because the child has to want more in order to grow during the greatest growth spurt
of his/her life
68% of all diseases in the United States are diet related

This is Rory Freedman, one of the authors from "Skinny Bitch", speaking at a conference in Hawaii.  Skinny Bitch is an excellent book and Rory's speech is very convicting and educational for all audiences.  I highly recommend this video to anyone who would like to learn about the vegan lifestyle.  
"10 billion land animals are killed every year in the US alone just so we can eat them"
"If you drink milk or eat dairy products, you are directly contributing to the veal industry"

A list of Accidentally Vegan Foods:

corn pops
hershey's syrup
swedish fish
fruit loops
fruit roll ups
cocoa puffs
ritz crackers
sour patch kids
frosted flakes

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