Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I'm forcing myself to watch "Earthlings" again tonight.  I watched it before I was vegan.. and it was what made me become vegan to begin with.  Now that I've been vegan for a while now, I feel that its important for me to watch it again with a more open mind.  I will take notes and write about what I see: 

-Both humans and animals have many of the same desires (though not all) such as the desire for food, water, shelter, companionship, freedom of movement, and avoidance of pain
-Many animals understand the world in which they live and breathe, otherwise they would not survive.
-They are not just "in" the world, they are aware of it
-If we had to kill our own meat, we would all be vegetarians
-Branding, Dehorning (without anesthesia), transportation to slaughter house, milking
-Pesticides and antibiotics are used to increase milk productivity and milk cows are chained and do not get any exercise
-The average cow lives for 20 years, but a milking cow lives on average 4 years
-"Downer" milk cows are often slaughtered and used for fast food restaurants
-Veal calves are taken from their mothers 2 days after birth
-Veal calves are kept with a rope around their neck to reduce breathing
-Baby pigs undergo "tail docking" "ear clipping" and "teeth cutting" and "castration" without any anesthesia
-Throat slitting is the cheapest method of killing an animal
-Americans consume as much chicken in a day as the average american consumed in a year in 1930

To be continued.... I've had enough for tonight.

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